I Need New Hair, Thoughts on "Born This Way."

I'm looking into some new hair color, even though I'll have to dip into my Obnoxiously Expensive Clothing Fund to pay for it. I'm really into ombre/pastel/dip-dyed hair, so I'll just have to narrow down the color choices. I wish I could just bleach my hair white-blonde and then get pale pink tips, but I'm not sure it would look good with my skin color because honestly, Asians don't normally look that good with light hair (unless you are Gwenyth Tang). MAN LYFE IZ SEW HARD...thank you for dealing with my internal struggles.


As y'all probably know, Lady Gaga's new album, "Born This Way," came out yesterday! Some of the songs are odd, but maybe I think that 'cause my musical ear isn't sophisticated/trained enough to appreciate them. Like "Americano." I just don't get it. But that's the only song from the album I actually don't like. My favorites are "Marry the Night," "Government Hooker," "Bloody Mary," and "Scheiße."

don't ask what that weird B thing is because I just copied and pasted it from Google.


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